Sunday, 19 September 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane.

I'm in the shuttle bus to going to Heathrow. I managed to find "Purple Parking" even though my GPS tried to take me down a closed. Nice man in Southall Tesco garage beats satelite technolgy! I've not been away from H for this long since I got married and am going to miss her and the kids.

E (age 5) said "good luck being awake when its day and asleep when it's night". She'd finshed our conversation about time zones by saying "Dad, you're confusing yourself".

Dreamed about walking through Philadelphia last night thinking "Shouldn't I have some luggage with me?". Hope something comes of all this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!, its weird hearing about you from your blog! Anyway my heart is with you and wishing you a wonderful, inspiring and successful trip! H xxx
